About Hammer Metals
Hammer Metals Limited (ASX: HMX) holds a strategic tenement position covering approximately 2,200km2 within the Mount Isa mining district, with 100% interests in the Kalman (Cu-Au-Mo-Re) deposit, the Overlander North and Overlander South (Cu-Co) deposits and the Elaine (Cu-Au) deposit. Hammer also has a 51% interest in the emerging Jubilee (Cu-Au) deposit. Hammer is an active mineral explorer, focused on discovering large copper-gold deposits of Ernest Henry style and has a range of prospective targets at various stages of testing. Hammer has recently acquired a 100% interest in the Bronzewing South Gold Project located adjacent to the 2.3 million-ounce Bronzewing gold deposit in the highly endowed Yandal Belt of Western Australia.
About the Mount Isa East Joint Venture
Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (“JOGMEC”) has the right to earn a 60% interest by expending $6,000,000 by 31 March 2024. No proportional ownership change occurs until such time as the $6,000,000 is expended and the current JOGMEC interest is 0%.
- A$5.0 million
Institutional Placement – April 2021 - A$1.5 million
Institutional Placement – December 2019 - A$1.76 million
Institutional Placement – December 2019